Advanced Engineering Design

Advanced Engineering Design

This course, also known as the “Capstone Engineering Experience,” integrates students’ background in various mechanical engineering concepts and techniques from different courses to develop a working electro-mechanical system that solves an industrial problem. To provide this experience, a real engineering problem from an industrial sponsor will be presented. You will work in groups and demonstrate a working solution after carrying out tasks such as identifying customer needs, carrying out literature survey, arriving at goals and requirements, brainstorming and generating concept designs, mathematical modeling (static and dynamic analyses) of the most promising design, manufacturing and testing of the final design and data collection and interpretation. There will be regular oral presentations and interim report submissions, where feedback will be shared. Additional details can be found in the undergraduate catalog.

Course Structure

Since this is a Capstone Engineering Experience course, the first few sessions will focus on the project requirements, group formation and other logistical aspects. Then subsequent lectures will involve presentations from different groups on the progress made on fulfilling the requirements of the project. The teaching team will interact with individual teams, ascertain progress and provide critical feedback.


Different types of projects are carried out including ones sponsored by the industry. Example Projects include:
* Development/Refurbishment of four-bar linkages
* Development of Scaled-cars (Remote controlled cars) for integrating an autonomous driving module
* Design and Integration of an electric motor input in a crank-slider mechanism

Course Code

ME 4320

Recommended Background

Statics, Stress Analysis, Dynamics, Kinematics of Mechanisms, Design of Machine Elements, Modeling and Analysis of Mechatronic Systems, Basics of Manufacturing

Tools Used

PMKS, Matlab, MathCAD, SolidWorks

Reference Books

Fundamental text books relating to the recommended background are the reference books. Additional resources will be shared during the course.

Terms Taught

D-2017, B-2017, C-2018, D-2018, B and D terms since B-2018

Course Management Systems Used

Canvas and Slack


If you are interested in obtaining the course syllabus, feel free to Contact me.

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