Teaching Philosophy

Teaching Philosophy

In the age of unrestricted internet access, you can find information on most concepts and solutions to a lot of problems. Therefore, as a teacher, I feel my goal is to provide an elevated experience whereby a student should be able to clearly understand the concept, implement those concepts to design and analyze a complex system and then infer data from experiments to defend those design choices. To cater to the ever-increasing demands from the industry and academia for all-rounders, I feel as a teacher, I should be able to provide those previously stated experiences in a holistic manner.

I believe that students should be exposed to a lot of examples so that they can at least remember a part of that as they graduate from one course and move into another course. I also believe that there should be a continuity in the content from one course to another so that students understand their applications from an overall systems perspective. I have always felt that course organization is very important as students appreciate standardization without surprises. As a teacher, I should be open to criticisms, admitting mistakes, open to learning, and open to new ideas. I have had a lot of learning from students in courses and projects through their probing questions during lectures and office hours. It is also important to provide easy access to the teacher and encourage communication and interaction without any fear. I should be well prepared to teach, promote interest in the subject and above all, keep students’ interest and development as the paramount objective.

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